Deep Rooted Vision

‘Deep Rooted Vision’ by Dr Eleanor Gates-Stuart and Dr Sergio Moroni exhibiting in the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community online exhibition entitled The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology and Critical Action, 2022.

The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology and Critical Action is a peer-reviewed art exhibition that explores environmental issues and humanity’s relationship to the earth and its inhabitants. The participants in the exhibition include artists and scientists from eight different countries and a wide range of expertise. Twenty exemplary works were selected for this important exhibition based on their relationship to the theme, quality of creative expression, and innovative approach to the issue. The types of work include installation art, scientific visualization, virtual environments, internet art, video art, performance, animation, augmented reality, digital images, electronic / robotic devices, artificial intelligence, wearable art and audio compositions.

The SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee (DAC) presents SPARKS: Short Presentations of Artworks & Research for the Kindred Spirit. This discussion is online:

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